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网址  2022-07-02  作者:admin    阅读:

Donkey Meat fire is a very popular Han snack in North China. It originated in Baoding, an ancient city in Hebei Province, and widely spread in the central Hebei plain. Later, it developed into the northern and southern factions.
卤好的驴肉伴着老汤汁加入酥脆的火烧里面,作为河北省餐饮文化中心的保定,是中国第九大菜系——冀菜系的发源地,而处于这一井盖钢模具 U型槽模具 天津水处理设备 检查井钢模具 保定公司注册 u型槽模具 流水槽模具 河北餐饮中心的驴肉火烧经过勤劳的河北人民多少代人不断地发展和推广,终于使驴肉火烧闻名大江南北。
The stewed donkey meat is added to the crisp fire with the old soup. As the food and beverage culture center of Hebei Province, Baoding is the birthplace of Hebei cuisine, the ninth largest cuisine in China. The donkey fire in this Hebei food and beverage center has been continuously developed and promoted by the hardworking Hebei people for many generations, and finally makes the donkey fire famous in the north and south of the river.

